Remembering / Forgetting

Devi Waiting for Her Children (c) Jayant Kalawar 180929

Aum Matre NamahA The Devi waiting for Her children (c) Jayant Kalawar 2019


Our goal in life

To be successful

Be in the right place

At the right time

Think the right things and

Perform the right way for

Single pointed acquisition and consumption.


First acquire and consume space:

Clear forests, drive out the locals.


Then set clocks to coordinate and

Slowly bleed cultural time,

the rhythms of natural life,

the rituals of learning







Then content: How to and how not to think. The Scientific. The Rational. The Logical.

Snuff out imagination

and practice

and learning by doing.


Finally, imprison

Art in Cubes

Architecture in Glass

Urban Design in Squares

Maps with Borders

And Walls.




Our Self

In the Vibrant Cosmos.

She is waiting

A Remembering, A SmaRaNA of Shri GaneshA September 12th-13th 2018

Celebrating Ganesha Chaturthi September 13th 2018

Aum Shri GaNeshAya NamahA, Celebrating the Divya PurushA, evening of September 12th 2018, ChinmayA Mission, Cranbury, New Jersey (photo by jayant kalawar)

by jayant kalawar

He is the master of GaNas, categories.

We categorize the cosmos, slice and dice it.

So our limited cognitive ability can digest

What the senses deliver to us.


Our categories become our obstacles.

What they exclude makes for our ignorance, Avidya.

He removes these obstacles that make us ignorant, Vigna-hArA.


He is Buddhi-dAtA.

He blesses the SAdhakA,

Who strives to explore beyond ignorance,

With intellect, Buddhi.


He is Moksha-dAtA.

He shows the path to MokshA

To the SAdhakA who uses his intellect

To explore beyond the sensory world.


He is with us always.

We forget to remember

And connect with Him

So that He can guide us.

Aum Shri GaneshAya NamahA.


Above is a paraphrased summary of my interpretation of a short talk by Swami ShantAnandA at Chinmaya Mission, Cranbury, NJ on the evening of September 12th 20h18.