Mapping Your Life With Jyotisha: A Tool To Help Your Material and Spiritual Quest

Mapping Your Life with Jyotisha

If you are reading this post, I will assume you have read my post on how Jyotisha can assess your karmic strengths and weaknesses, obtained a 21B report detailing your karmic strengths and weaknesses, and had your first interactive 21B coaching session on Skype. Now, you are on your way to becoming stronger and more independent, using the 21B Jyotisha tool kit.

Today, I share how Jyotisha can draw a life map for you, over a potential 120-year life span, with a time-line of the broad combination of karmic tendencies you were born with that will be in the driver’s seat during different times of your life. The karmic map is based on your birth chart but this is not set in stone; your efforts, including connecting with the Divya Shaktis in this life, have the potential to change the birth-based karmic map.

An overview of how this can be accomplished is shared here too. For on-going 21B coaching sessions, we use your 21B 120-Year Karmic Map[1] that is plotted into manageable 5 year intervals.  We can then use it to drill deeper to discover what to expect in the next one year, how to prepare yourself to make the most of it and move closer to what you are striving for, in an ethical and balanced manner.

21B 120-Year Life Map

21B Coaching Services creates your personal 120-Year Life Karmic Map based on your birth chart as the basis for our interactive services.  Your potential 120 year life span is partitioned into 9 different energy areas. In each of these areas specific karmic tendencies have the opportunity to work themselves out. These 9 areas represent:

  1. a) energies from each of the 7 celestial bodies that channel through you (which is described in your 21B Strengths and Weaknesses Report, if you have obtained it), and
  2. b) energies of Rahu (the deceiving energy) and Ketu (destroyer of material attachments).

The energy patterns with correspondent strengths and weaknesses of the celestial bodies are mapped in your birth chart and show the areas of your life you will gain rewards [and be enjoyable for you], and where you will face challenges. The karmic map shows specific calendar time intervals, with the longest act of 20 years and the shortest of 6 years.

The 120-year life span is a 9 Act play. The stage for each Act follows a different pattern for different individuals. A stage can be your home, neighborhood, your place of work, a distant university, and so on. The theme that will be played out in each Act is also outlined. In this way, the Karmic map shows what you could anticipate and prepare for major changes that occur, as you transition from one Act to another, from one stage setting to another. For example, a scene of 3-year duration may be about career. The script, during this phase could be about home-based (stage) career (theme). If the Karmic Map indicates this change, you can plan ahead of this anticipated transition to make it work for you – as in planning to raise a family and while having a career during this period.

An example of a Karmic Map, based on a well-known figure, is provided here for reference.[Karmic map and Karmic Strength Scale is copyrighted to 21B Coaching Services.]

Illustrative Example: Summary of 21B 120 Year Life Map


The 21B 120-Year Life Map starts with your birth. It winds its way through various stages for each of the 9 Acts over a maximum of 120 year life span. It tells a story of what to expect and when, including the year and month. It also reveals how strongly you are equipped to successfully play in a particular Act in your life.  This assessment is provided in your 21B Karmic Strengths and Weaknesses report.This helps you become aware of the strengths you will need or have to succeed: whether it is:  analytical or creative intelligence,, courage, patience, passion or perseverance, or your ability to save or negotiate,, nurture and nourish. In this way, you can begin to strengthen the skills, attitudes, depth of assets you will need to succeed well ahead of the start of the Act.

In the illustrative example above, Act 2 is played out between 1971 and 1978. This individual experienced a very rough period between the ages of 11 and 17 years. His parents, if they had his 21B Life Map, could potentially have managed these years differently. They could have given him a more consistent nourishing and nurturing stage to live out his teen years. . Instead, the map shows it was left to him to figure things out for himself, in an unstable home environment.  Until his 36th year, the Karmic Map shows that this individual would have had lots of ups and downs with some lucky breaks. 21B mapping and coaching could have helped him navigate these years, to become even more productive and happier long before his 36th year.

The 21B 120-Year Life Map outlines the set of karmic tendencies you are born with, some strong and some not as strong.  When you become aware of your karmic tendencies, you can work on changing them and bring them into balance with each other. You can also become aware of what situations you will likely face year by year. And you can play like a champion in each of those situations. Champions usually work with a coach, at whatever game they are playing. This is what the 21B life-coaching aims to do:  to make our clients become champions of their life, for both material and spiritual goals they may be striving for.

Five Year Detailed Karmic Map

Like most of us, I am practical and down to earth. Sure, it’s great to have the 9 Acts of a potential 120-year life span laid out, but wouldn’t it be better to know how the next 5 years will play out for us so that we have more control over changes we’d need to make – for both material and spiritual quest? Moreover, can we make changes to an Act or even the stages and scripts?

Let me explain how I use Jyotisha in my coaching services  After I create your personal 21B Karmic Life Map, it is further broken down into Five Year Maps which detail sub-periods within one Act. The longest sub-period within an Act is about 3 years, and the shortest is about 6 months. During this time, you could experience a transition from one Act to another. Think of the sub-periods as multiple scenes within one act of the play. Each scene brings out its own sub-theme, within the over-arching theme of a particular Act. There are 9 scenes which make up each Act and each is played out for a specific sub-period.

With Jyotisha, you can have your life map set up in acts, scenes, even down to a script outline, year by year (I will write about the 21B Twelve Month Script Report in my next post). How you traverse the map, what you strive for and what directions you take, and how you act on the stage is all up to you. The more  you become aware of these the better you are as a master of improv in your own life’s play! And your 21B coach can help make become a champion on your life’s stage, in your material and spiritual quest.

[1] 21B 120-Year Karmic Life Map is a copyright of First Windsor Group LLC dba

Illustrative Report of Your Karmic Strengths and Weaknesses

Use Jyotisha To Become Aware of Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Download (pdf) to review a sample of what your Karmic Strengths and Weaknesses Report will look like:


To order your personalized Karmic Strengths and Weaknesses Report , write to Jayant Kalawar at

Not sure yet?

If you do not know your ascendant per Jyotish (Indian Astrology), please send your birth details (date, time, location) to .

A free birth chart will be emailed to you along with a free initial assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, as a pdf attachment, in a few days.


A few of you may be entirely new to Indian Astrology. The following may help:

Indian Astrology is known as Jyotisha (Joh-thish-uh): that which shows us Light. It is a tradition rooted in the 10,000 year old living tradition based on the Vedas. This living tradition of Jyotisha continues to develop and deepen with new heuristics continually added through rigorous trial and testing among expert practitioners[1]. Jyotisha divides an individual’s life into specific segments over a 120-year lifetime (our life-span has actually decreased since ancient times!). Many of you may already know that Jyotisha has many powerful features, which require detailed computations of planetary positions, aspects, conjunctions and eclipse nodes and so on. It divides an individual’s life into 9 specific segments of different period lengths over a potential 120 year life span. It then predicts what karmic experiences will be acted out during each of those 9 life segments (called major periods) and 9 sub-periods within each of the longer 9 main periods.

The Jyotisha birth chart represents the karmic tendencies each of us are born with, based on past lifetimes of experiences.

We anticipate and predict what karmic experiences will occur during these major life periods, as well as the sub-periods within those periods.

Each major life period detailed in our horoscope shines light on different parts of our true nature that we are born with.

So the major periods and sub-periods are presented to us in the detailed readings, that follow the initial reading. But our daily mental, physical, and spiritual actions within those periods is what we have the capacity not only to manage—but expand–for our own personal freedom.

The Jyotisha tradition does not stop at a reading. It is a practice that helps you acquire tools for empowerment.

This is where our individual agency, creative potential, and empowerment comes into play. I’m passionate about helping you energize and re-discover creative potential and empowerment despite any obstacles in lived experiences – or even what a birth chart may indicate.

Our agency is deepened through concentration and meditative work. The stronger the sense of agency, the better the chances of easily expiating past karmas and not picking up new ones.

Cleansing our karmas is manifested through embodied connection with the Light Energies, called Divya Shaktis (Div-yuh Shuk-thees).

Indian traditions have devised, through extensive testing, specific combinations of breath work, mantra chanting, setting up altars and meditative visualizations to evoke these Divya Shaktis within us (and that is where Chakra work comes becomes relevant). These methods are prescribed based on your chart and experience.

I can give pointers to which specific Divya Shaktis can be called in a specific phase of your life, to fortify your journey, if you are interested.

Since you have read up to this point, I have a few questions for you:

What interests you in having an jyotisha reading?

Do you have any specific questions? I encourage you to ask 3-5 questions to keep in your heart and mind. This will also help me in your reading and our conversation.

One of the challenges in completing a birth chart is that it speaks to what karmic tendencies you were born with. It does not speak to what has already happened in our life, since your birth, which would have changed your karmic energy configuration.

That takes multiple interactive sessions, covering the major periods you have already experienced[2]. This is something I also offer through my practice,, both over Skype and in-person. We can then develop a Life Map for your material and spiritual quest.

It would be a pleasure to do an initial reading, which can assess your strengths and weaknesses, based on your birth chart. Please let me know what specific questions you have in mind, which you want to get a peek into through this birth chart reading using Jyotisha, the Indian approach to Astrology (write to me at ).

[1] I follow the Systems Approach To Vedic Astrology, as propounded by Professor V.K. Choudhry ( Continual testing of hypothesis and developing heuristics takes place in forums such as SATVA and SAMVA yahoo groups, under the guidance of Professor Choudhry. He is the founder and chairman of both the Systems Institute of Hindu Astrology (SIHA) and International Institute of Predictive Astrology (IIPA).

[2] Please note that no information of any kind provided in any form by 21BanyanTree or by Jayant (Jay) Kalawar can be considered as legal, financial, medical or mental health advice of any kind. Please consult with a licensed professional in these matters.