Are the Mists Clearing in 2021?: A Brief Look from Jyotish Perspective

The Destroyer of Ignorance and Confusion – Aum Namo KAlarAtreya NamAhA (Source: Wikipedia, Devi Kalratri, Sanghasri, Kalighat, Kolkata, 2010)

By Jayant Kalawar, January 4th 2021

From Jyotish perspective, December 31st is an arbitrary date to end one phase and begin another. But then we are living in the Anthropocene age, disconnected and alienated from the great planetary energies that are coursing through us and all around us. We are lost in the ignorance of our disconnections.

So, we will pause for a bit on this January 4th 2021 and take a brief look at where we are. I am speaking of the USA here, which is where I am based.

First let’s look at what is happening with Covid-19 pandemic. It seems to be tracking pretty much along the lines of what I had predicted in my post of April 22nd 2020: second wave to begin mid October 2020, peak in December 2020 and recede beginning February 2021. It may be somewhat more impactful than the first wave of spring-summer 2020, it will be nowhere near the extreme death laden second wave of the Spanish flu of the Fall of 1918.

In that article I also predicted that there may likely be no third wave of Covid-19 in the spring-summer of 2021 (unlike the 3rd wave of the Spanish Flu in the spring-summer of 1919). With vaccines being administered, it would seem that the third leg of the pandemic may be subdued, if at all.

Here is the link to the article, to those who want to revisit:

When you go back and read the article you will notice that I had put a caveat: “IF at all there is a second wave….”. The reason for such caveats is two fold:

– Personally I do not wish to predict potential for deeply negative futures using Jyotish modeling tools.

– When I do, I do so in context of what can be done to overcome or surmount such negative scenarios. This is possible with individuals who are open to counseling, not for large social groups.

The rationale for making the prediction of the pandemic waves was to document the power of Jyotish in making such predictions involving complex social processes. And in this case, I think it may be seen to be perhaps better than other prediction models that have been used to predict the breadth and depth of pandemic waves in 2020-2021.

So that was about Covid-19, the pandemic caused by the virus which is said to have originated from Wuhan, China.


The other aspect I will briefly touch on in this post is the political situation in the USA as I write and post this on January 4th 2021.

I had predicted that Trump may win on November 3rd 2020. I had based it on his birth chart (based on a birth certificate), when compared to Biden’s (tentative, his birth date / time are available only from memory of relatives, not on a birth certificate). That has not turned out to be a correct prediction. If December 14th was taken as the decisive election date (when electoral certifications were finalized), his chart predicts a most severe set-back. And that is indeed what happened.

Meanwhile, USA is going through a transformative Ketu sub-period spanning December 10th 2020 to about mid April 2021. The Ketu property of unexpected separativeness in current structures may likely to course through public institutions of the USA during this period. The mists will clear after April 15th 2021. I have begun writing drafts in more detail about modeling USA political history from a Jyotish perspective, but that will take time to think through and then present in ways that make sense for non-astrologers. So, I decided in the meanwhile I should post this short term view today to give some pointers for the next few months.

So, in summary, the pandemic situation in USA may seem to be pretty much in control after early February 2021. The political climate in USA may likely begin stabilizing after mid-April 2021.

Jyotish Covid-19 Pandemic Model for USA: Update July 12th 2020

Devi Cover for Outsider European Enlightenment Kindle 190506

WIth the Devi’s Blessings. Cover art by Jayant Kalawar 2018.

I posted a tentative Jyotish based model to predict and track the Covid-19 Pandemic in the USA on April 6th 2020. I titled it the memetic pandemic. I wanted to convey that the pandemic that we were experiencing was not only at the biological level of the virus. It was also at the mental level of language – in terms of incessant flow of torrents of information of the disease and its manifestation in deaths around the globe.

I ended that post with the following summary prediction:

So, what I would be looking for is whether the actuals begin to slope downwards as per prediction based on my Jyotish based model, between April 18th and April 25th and then slope downwards even further after between April 25th – May 2nd and accelerate downwards between May 2nd – May 9th. And whether total number of deaths stabilize around April 25th on wards. Let’s see.

Here is a representation of numbers of daily new deaths:

Actual Covid 19 New Deaths Weekly Feb - Jul 2020


What I see, in the chart above, is that the number of new deaths (7 day moving average for the United States) did peak somewhere between April 15th and 20th and then began to decline around April 25th 2020. as predicted. And, again on track with the prediction, the numbers began to go down sharply in the week of May 2nd. My model predicted up to May 9th.The model did pretty good in terms of predicting the slopes back in the April – May 2020 time frame. Not too bad for a first time Jyotish based model for a complex phenomenon of Covid 19 pandemic.

For Jyotishis, here is a brief description of how I arrived at the slopes (i.e. change in level of new deaths). I used a combination of 8th Lord (both natal and transit) aspect and 8th House placement on both transit and natal planets. In the case of USA SAMVA chart[1], the 8th Lord is Saturn and the 8th House is Aquarius, along with natal and transit Rahu / Ketu aspect on natal and transit planets.

Symbolically the function may be represented as:

Change in Level of New Deaths = f(f(8th L (NandTr), X), f(8th H, X), f(Ra/Ke(NandTr), X))

Where L=Lord, Tr=Transit, H=House, N=natal, Tr=Transit, X=any planet Mars, Moon, Sun, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn.

The potential for change in level of new deaths is measured in degrees of separation of planet X from the 8th and / or Rahu / Ketu.

My sense is that I have been able to at least directionally predict a complex biological-social phenomenon in the USA, which epidemiologists and other experts have been trying to get their arms around. With such a directional prediction, I was able to say to myself and my family and friends that with proper safety precautions the pandemic is likely to decrease in its lethality by mid-May. This helped in managing down the level of anxiety and therefore have better sense of hope and well-being. I am also somewhat more encouraged now that there is potential to use Jyotish based models to predict large scale complex social phenomena. Of course, there will have to be many, many trial and error iterations before the Jyotish approach of large scale social phenomena begins to be helpful in designing prevention and mitigation strategies as appropriate.

But then what about predictions for after mid-May 2020? After all, the pandemic phenomena is still continuing as I write this on July 7th 2020.

Well, I extended my prediction on April 22nd to cover the time period between mid-May and late July by saying:

There is a chance that there may be a mild second wave of Wuhan Virus in USA during this period of mid May 2020 to end July 2020, which may be seen as a continuance of the current wave. The indicators point to more of a chance of potential for civil and political disharmony and economic hardship in USA in May and June 2020, but that is from a different set of planetary drivers, which I may cover in a separate post (in this post I am focusing on the pandemic concerns).

As you would notice, the prediction of civil and political disharmony and economic hardship in USA in the May – June 2020 time frame was quite accurate (beginning with protests after the death in police custody of George Floyd on May 25th 2020 and peaking out in the second half of June).

Before I go on to give you my predictions for USA for rest of 2020, there is one key point I would like to make – why did I title my first post on this Covid 19 pandemic, as a memetic pandemic? : the above model representation focuses on predicting sickness (driven by 6th H and 6th L Jupiter) and death (driven by 8th H and 8th L Saturn). How the information about such sickness and death (and also communal disharmony – affliction of 4th H and 4th L Venus), I governed by strength of 3rd H and 3rd L Mercury.

So, I was pointing to how memetic pandemics overlay biological pandemics: when tr Mercury was transiting through 8th H from January 30th to April 7th (and then from April 7th to May 8th through its debilitation sign in Pisces followed by  Aries afflicted by tr Ketu and natal Rahu), the media (both main stream and social) were continually channeling information about deaths from Covid-19. Then there was a very brief respite between May 8th and May 24th, when there was at least some neutral to positive news as Mercury transited through Taurus pretty strong and without affliction. Then on May 25th it transited into the 12th H of the USA SAMVA chart (Gemini) and its been there since, as of this writing in the first half of July. The media began reporting potential for losses, which is the hallmark of 12th H. It has kept stressing how new cases of Covid-19 are rising. But it did not convert to either hospitals being filled up, nor to sharp increases in deaths, which are to be expected as new cases rise (according to expert epidemiologists). I was able to confidently predict that this would not be so, that there may be a sense of a mild extension of the first wave up to the end of July. Hospitals did not fill up as tr Jupiter was no longer afflicted by Saturn since second week of May and moved back into its safe house Sagittarius in early July. Deaths did not rise because tr Saturn was no longer afflicted nor afflicting tr Jupiter or any other tr / natal planet or houses in the USA SAMVA chart. This has again helped me and my family and friends to manage anxieties down and have more of a sense of control. Learning and practicing the Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology (SATVA) over the last 14 years or so has really begun to pay off.  I would encourage more and more folks to invest time and effort to learn and practice SATVA[2].

Well, if you have read through here and you reading this in July 2020, this may find this useful for you to navigate the next 6 to 8 months.

So here are my predictions for the rest of 2020:

US economy will see an upswing from July to early November (tr Jupiter in its own house Sagittarius).

The political and community scene in the US will be divisive (which may as may be expected in an election year 2020) between mid-July and early November (tr Jupiter aspects natal Venus).

From November 5th 2020 to early February 2021 there may be rise in sickness / deaths and intensity of civil and economic disharmony, as tr Jupiter and tr Saturn come into close conjunction, while the nodal axis stations at approximately 26 deg in exaltation in Taurus and Scorpio.

So, that’s it for now. Stay safe, enjoy and take care.



Jyotish Model Perspective: Wuhan Virus Pandemic in USA 2020 – Updated April 15th 2020

Devi Kalaratri source Wikipedia 180808

The Destroyer of Ignorance and Confusion – Aum Namo KAlarAtreya NamAhA (Source: Wikipedia, Devi Kalratri, Sanghasri, Kalighat, Kolkata, 2010)

By Jayant Kalawar, posted April 15th 2020

I posted my Jyotish model projections of the current Wuhan Virus pandemic in USA on April 6th. These were the key summary projections:

  1. The memes in social media may begin to see some positive shoots after April 7th and a little more after April 14th, but we may have to wait until after April 25th for clarity on how and when people would be able to go back to work and school.
  2. The active Wuhan Virus cases in USA may likely peak between April 18th and 25th. Sharp declines may follow between April 25th and May 9th.
  3. Wuhan Virus related deaths in USA are likely to peak some time between April 25th and May 7th.

In this update I am posting graphics showing Jyotish Model projections for Active USA cases and total USA Deaths (first two graphics), followed by actuals up to April 13th (next two graphics). If you go back to my April 6th post and compare to what I have posted here, you will notice I have not tweaked my model projections at all. I am not looking to track levels / numbers of Active cases with my Jyotish model. What I am interested in tracking is how well this Jyotish based model is able to predict when the Active cases peak and when the declines start in Active Cases in USA. I notice a beginning of a slow down in the Active cases graph. Your constructive comments and suggestions are welcome on this post are welcome.

Current Cases and Total Recoveries to Date USA 200406

Jyotish Model Predicted Current Active Wuhan Virus Cases in USA March – May 2020

Jyotish Model Predicted Total Deaths 200406

Jyotish Model Predicted Total Wuhan Virus Deaths in USA March – May 2020


Actual Active Cases to April 13th 2020

Actual Active Wuhan Virus Cases USA to April 13th 2020

Actual Total Deaths To April 13th 2020

Actual Total Wuhan Virus Deaths in USA to April 13th 2020

The 2020 Memetic Pandemic in USA

Devi Cover for Outsider European Enlightenment Kindle 190506

WIth the Devi’s Blessings. Cover art by Jayant Kalawar 2018.

Most of us are already familiar with the genetic pandemic that is sweeping  through USA, at the time of this writing, in 2020. It is known variously as the Wuhan Virus, Covid – 19 and Corona Virus pandemic. I call it the Wuhan Virus RNA genetic pandemic, since it is driven by RNA, a basic genetic component of living cells. That way I can more clearly articulate the proposition that in parallel a memetic pandemic took place in USA in the February to April 2020 time frame. This memetic pandemic worked its way through the Global Social Mind that I began referring to in my previous post. The impact of this memetic pandemic may have been to temporarily amplify fears and cause confusion, and therefore lower the ability to effectively to respond to the genetic pandemic. From Jyotish perspective, the memetic pandemic is set to begin abating from April 7th 2020 on wards. And with that the Global Social Mind is likely to begin coming together to positively resolve the genetic pandemic.

Living in New Jersey I am currently experiencing (again at the time of this writing) the isolation and fears that arises from this Wuhan Virus pandemic. I know of people in my friends and family network who have been impacted from mild to critical to the ultimate price that this virus extracts. I write this analytical essay keeping those in mind. I hope I have nuanced it, so that it does not come across as cold and calculating. Hopefully the short term nature and order of magnitude lower numbers that this Jyotish based model projects comes true.

Viewing the 2020 USA Memetic Pandemic from the Jyotish Lens

On January 31st 2020, President Trump placed severe restrictions on airplane flights from China to USA. That was the beginning of USA memetic pandemic around the Wuhan Virus. It was the day that transit Mercury, which especially for USA governs analysis, communication, initiatives and short-term travel (Mercury thus ends up being a key significator of memes generated in USA), entered Aquarius, which happens to be the 8th House of death like experiences for USA according to SAMVA chart. This particular transit of Mercury through 30 degrees of Aquarius was longer than usual. Mercury went from 0 degrees Aquarius to almost 30 degrees, slowed down and came back to about 4 deg Aquarius and then trudged back to 30 deg by April 7th.  Mercury usually crosses a zodiac sign in 18 to 21 days. This time it stayed in Aquarius for 68 days[i]. Additionally, both natal Ketu and transit Ketu aspects were present in Aquarius at about 10 degrees and 16 degrees. Ketu gives isolation, distance and general material loss (and spiritual gain).

Thus, this transit of Mercury from January 31st to April 7th , manifested as memes of death like behavior, woven in with memes of isolation and distance. The Global Social Mind which has come into existence in the last 25 years, amplifies these memes and motivates individuals to according to the memes it propagates. We experienced the push towards social distancing and isolation after February 15th when Mercury began to slow down and retrace back from 20 deg Aquarius, in the shadow of natal Ketu. The Wuhan virus outbreak in Kirkland, Washington, had begun to unfold then and the first of the deaths in USA began to be counted.

From April 8th to April 25th, Mercury transits Pisces, the 9th house of good fortune and openness to direction from advanced research. We may likely see a different set of memes arise in this period. They are, however, likely to be over all weakly positive (and especially so up to August 14th): the memes in this period will likely begin giving information about how the pandemic is being mitigated and calling to action and getting back to work.

Mercury enters Aries on April 26th 2020. It will be able to manifest positive memes especially up to May 6th. Memes calling for action to get the economy moving may get stronger in this period. This may potentially effectively move the Global Social Mind out of the dark memetic pandemic, at least in the USA. May 8th on wards there are other Jyotish impacts seen from the political and economic frames that may not fully enable the positive memes trend to continue. We may talk about that in a later post.

Jyotish Perspective of Triggers for the RNA Pandemic in USA

In my continued attempts to make Jyotish a relevant tool in the modern world, I have used Jyotish based prediction as a driver of Covid-19 reproduction rate in US in the late March – early May time frame to forecast current cases, total deaths and total recoveries. I used actuals for March 21st as a starting point and then applied changing reproduction rates (using Excel spread sheet) as follows:

Jyotish Model Driving COVID 19 Reproduction Rate in USA March – May 2020 Using USA SAMVA CHART
Dates March 31st April 8th April 14th April 25th
Significant Astro Dates (Used as Drivers to change Reproduction Rate R in Table below) USA SAMVA tr Mars afflicted by tr Saturn Peak March 31st Gives Peak R=4.5) April 8th: tr Mars no longer afflicted. Tr 3rd L Mercury out of 8th H, but debilitated so only few openings for movement and communication opened up. Drives R down to 3.2 and then to 1.1) April 14th: Tr 2nd L Sun exalted in Aries bringing leadership and sense of well being to country. Drives R to 0.7. April 25th: Mercury moves into Aries. Movement, communication and innovation opens up. Drives R to 0.4 and lower in following weeks.


Following Charts present the Jyotish Model Forecasts and Actuals to Date (March 28th 2020)

Current Cases and Total Recoveries to Date USA 200406

Jyotish Model Predicted Current Wuhan Virus Cases

Jyotish Model Predicted Total Deaths 200406

Jyotish Model Predicted Total Deaths

Actual Total Cases 200406

Actual Total Cases

Actual Total Deaths 200406

Actual Total Deaths



I expect the numbers predicted will differ from actuals. My predictions are for total current cases net recoveries. Actuals are for total cases to date (not netted for recoveries). More important is when the actual cases and actual deaths peak and decelerate (and at what rate). So, what I would be looking for is whether the actuals begin to slope downwards as per prediction based on my Jyotish based model, between April 18th and April 25th and then slope downwards even further after between April 25th – May 2nd and accelerate downwards between May 2nd – May 9th. And whether total number of deaths stabilize around April 25th on wards. Lets see.

I use the Systems Approach To Vedic Astrology (SATVA) as propounded by Professor V. K. Chaudhry in the 1990s. Current SATVA practice is led by esteemed astrologer Mr. Rajesh K. Chaudhary. The USA chart that I refer to in this post was formulated after over a decade of detailed of historical research by Cosmologer.









[i] I hasten to add, that this description of Mercury’s travel through Aquarius is from a Earth positional astronomy perspective i.e. this is how we see Mercury’s motion in the sky from the Earth. Helio (Sun) centric astronomy teaches us that is not actually happens in space. Jyotish uses sidereal positional astronomy, with positions of planets and stars as they are seen from a point on Earth to cast sky maps (charts) and then interpret them using heuristics developed over millennia of observations.

7 month Planetary Storm April-Oct 2019, Comparing 2019 to 1930 And what to do about it.

Devi Kalaratri source Wikipedia 180808

The Destroyer of Ignorance and Confusion – Aum Namo KAlarAtreya NamAhA (Source: Wikipedia, Devi Kalratri, Sanghasri, Kalighat, Kolkata, 2010)

By Jayant Kalawar March 23rd 2019

For those who have not followed my predictions for 2019, made back in September 2018, please consider going back and taking a look here and then the follow up post here . The rest of the post may make more sense with that background. Those who are not interested in the astrology analysis that I go through in this post, I have bolded out sections that may be more relevant.

As Ketu began afflicting Saturn transiting in Sagittarius at a little over 25 deg a few days ago (today at the time of this writing is March 23, 2019, Ketu transited into Sagittarius), warning signs of the economy suddenly began flashing in the USA and political turmoil was on the horizon with the submission of the Special Counsel report and President Trump verbally attacking the Late Senator John McCain. Before that the Dow Jones Index was merrily going along posting gains in early 2019. Many investors seemed to be like frogs in a slowly heating pot of water, unable to heed the signs of the approaching planetary storm. Now they ask, is 2019 going to be similar to the 1930s for the USA, when the Dow lost 90% of its value in a little over two and a half years (from October 1929 to June 1932)?

The short answer is no: the depression of the 1930s was a prolonged event, beginning with onset of Ketu Bhukti on October 16th 1929 during RAhu MAhAdashA in the USA SAMVA Chart.[1] Dow Jones Index peaked at 343 in September 1929, was at 286 in March 1930, down to 183 in October 1930 and then bottomed out at 42 in June 1932. RAhu MAhAdashA was followed by the 6th L Jupiter MahAdashA from 1937 to 1953, during which the USA was in two major conflicts (6th L signification): WW II and the Korean War. It was only after 1953 that the Dow recovered back to its peak of 342 in September 1929. While the 8th L Saturn MAhAdashA gave death like experiences (Cuban missile crisis for example and continual threat of nuclear war with Americans preparing for nuclear threat) from 1953 to 1972, it also gave relatively easy gains (another signification of the 8th L) to the USA in economic terms with the Dow crossing the 1000 mark in November 1972

To sum up: In 1930, transit Saturn was in 6th H Sagittarius of the USA SAMVA chart. However, it was not afflicted by transit Ketu which was in Libra at that time. Ketu affliction of Saturn was not the driver of the 1930s economic turmoil.

In 2019, the USA is in Sun MAhAdashA and Saturn Bhukti. The protection of the Sun will be cushion for the effect of the prolonged 7 month (April to October) conjunction of transit Ketu with transit Saturn in Sagittarius, the 6th house of conflict in the USA SAMVA chart. The transits of 8th L turn and Ketu will be in turn giving long periods of affliction to natal Venus, the 4th L of domestic prosperity and communal harmony.

What USA may experience in this particular planetary storm from April to October 2019 is 7 months of sharp economic down turn, physical losses through disasters whether natural or manmade and also communal disharmony. A slow recovery may begin in February 2020 when 3rd L Mercury Bhukti comes into play. The pace of such a recovery is likely to be contingent upon the degree of physical losses to infrastructure and life experienced in 2019.

So how to position to get through this 7 month long planetary storm? Those invested in the financial markets may consider moving to as much cash position as one can. Do not start any new initiatives. Slow down as much as you can and be careful and watchful on a daily basis. And most importantly, if you are culturally blessed to have access to your IshTa DevatA and to Sri GaneshA, connect with them daily through your practices. They can and do provide protection and blessings. Many more individuals practicing such connections may likely result in lowering the level of losses that this planetary storm can leave behind.

[1] Please note: I follow Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology propounded by the Late Professor V.K. Choudhry ( In this article, I have used chart for USA developed using Systems Approach to Mundane Vedic Astrology (see ). I also follow the work done by Cosmologer, who discovered the SAMVA USA chart in 2006 with the help of J.T.W. Battalana. He developed the chart based on extensive historical research and predictions for over a decade based on the Systems’ Approach and with guidance from the late Professor Choudhry (see 



Responding to Kashmir Terror of February 14th 2019: Vedic Astrology Perspective

Durga MAtA by Photo by Soumik Dey on Unsplash 180807

ॐ श्री मात्रे नमः (Photo by Soumik Dey on Unsplash)

The terrorist attack in Kashmir on February 14th 2019 appears to have led to deep and widespread angst in India.  One of the questions being asked is whether and when India may strike back with a military operation, as a response to the terror attack.

Here is my assessment in that context, based on Systems Approach to Mundane Vedic Astrology[1].

India Independence chart (August 15th 1947 12 am Delhi, India) is going through Jupiter (8th L)  Bhukti currently. Transit Jupiter was at 25:59 on Jan 14th, afflicting within 2 deg with 9th aspect of natal Sun at 27:59 in Cancer, when the terror attack took place. Sun rules 4th house of domestic and communal harmony in the India Indep chart. natal Sun by the 8th L Jupiter gives death like experiences in domestic arena. This affliction will peak on Feb 27th, implying need for more caution for domestic events which may result in death like experiences, whether man made or natural, in the next 10 days. Let us hope no further violent loss of life is experienced.

Tr 6th L Venus transiting 8th H of obstructions and death will directly afflict Tr 10th L Saturn Feb 16th-18th, indicating potential for increased impact on emotional and physical well-being of the  masses of people during those days.

Is there potential of a military response from India to the terrorist attack on February 14th? Tr 12th L in Mars is currently strong as it is transiting in its home base Aries and will be directly aspecting most effective points in 12th, 6th and 7th houses for the next 5 days. This indicates potential for military operations between now (Feb 15th) and Feb 20th. Operations launched within this date range from a distance from home base (12th H) e.g. air or sea borne may be carried out in a distant land (7th H) and have the potential for success in conflict situations (6th H).

Let us see what transpires.


[1] For more information in Systems Approach to Mundane Astrology go to

Flourishing Through the Rough Terrain of 2019: A Vedic Astrology Perspective

Devi Waiting for Her Children (c) Jayant Kalawar 180929

The Devi Waiting For Her Children To Come Back Home (c) Jayant Kalawar 2019

Aum Sri MAtre NamahA

By Jayant Kalawar

The planetary patterns for 2019 beginning March and especially in the May – October 2019 period are quite rough.

Many of us have encountered such rough terrains before in our lives. Those of us who connect with their IshTa DevatA on a daily basis know that this connection gives them more chances to flourish through these rough terrains.

In a September 2018 article on my website, Calm Before the Storm, I had made the specific prediction that the November 6th 2018 mid-term election in USA may likely weaken the ability of the current president of the USA to provide leadership and implement his agenda and that it may likely translate into a sense of political weakness in the USA:

All this points to chances that the November 6th mid-term elections in USA may end up giving a weak result for the current US president.

On January 10th 2019 when the newly elected US Congress convenes the Rahu-Ketu field will be at its peak intensity. The result of the mid-term elections will likely be amplified and may likely begin impacting the ability of the current US president to carry out strong positive leadership actions in 2019.

So by end of January 2019 we may have a sense of how 2019 may likely unfold. Any sense of political weakness in the USA may translate into financial and economic weakness not only in the USA but throughout the globe.

As I write in this on January 11th 2019, these predictions are being borne out. The Democrats have taken over the House of Representatives with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. President Trump has shut down parts of the United States government, in response to the US Congress not funding his agenda. While still early in January, this situation already signals political weakness in the US. Planetary patterns are pointing to the period between January 11th and 23rd as likely to be most vulnerable to misunderstandings and disputes between and among political parties in the US. So by the last week of January we may be better able to assess how well positioned USA is to respond to the disturbances that emerging planetary patterns are signaling for later in 2019.

The first signs of potential for physical and economic distress are likely to emerge from March 22nd on wards and become somewhat intensive after April 8th. The most intense period distress is likely to be between mid-May and mid-October 2019, with peak in July 2019. The source of the disturbances may be a combination of natural and man made triggers and likely impact both economic and physical areas of life.

Each of us may experience disturbances in different areas of life

The planetary patterns also give us indications of how they may impact each of us differently, within a range of possibilities. Approximately 15% of people may directly experience such impacts. That is about 1 in 6 of us. The rest of us will likely have one or more people in our family and friends circle going through some direct experience of distress and many of us may choose to step in to help them through their situations.

Here are likely high stress area for each of the ascendant signs between about mid-May to mid-October 2019:

Aries: Income, especially investment or rental income, may be stressed, which may have secondary impact on father figures, advanced studies and ability to travel long distance for business purposes.

Taurus: Career and social status areas may be stressed and that may impact intimate relationships.

Gemini: Health of father, performance in graduate or specialized studies and long distance business travel may be stressed and that may impact personal and business partnerships.

Cancer: Conjugal relationship may be stressed and that may give rise to disputes and trigger emotional and physical health issues.

Leo: Emotional and physical health of personal and business partners may be stressed and that may in turn stress children and creative activities.

Virgo: Work place stress and stress on physical and emotional health may have secondary impact on home life and mother.

Libra: Children and creative activities may be stressed and show up as impact on your initiatives, ventures and in the way you communicate.

Scorpio: Home life and mother’s emotional and physical health may be stressed and this may impact overall family well-being.

Sagittarius: New initiatives, ventures, younger siblings / colleagues, ability to communicate may be impacted and in turn result in stress on personal emotional and physical health.

Capricorn: Over all family well-being may be stressed and result in losses and separations.

Aquarius: Emotional and physical health may be stressed, resulting in losses in income and relationship with mentors.

Pisces: There may be losses and separations, which may in turn impact career and social status.

How to manage this potentially rough terrain and flourish

If you have reached this part of this article, I am assuming you have experienced the power of observing patterns presented by planetary configurations using Vedic Astrology and also know about the power of connecting with your IshTa DevatA.

For those who connect with their Ishta Devata on a daily basis, there may be a unique date and time on January 20th – 21st to connect and meditate, to seek guidance on how to navigate through this rough terrain. There will be a relatively long lunar eclipse between 9:36 pm on Sunday January 20th to 2:48 am Monday January 21st (New York time zone). The total eclipse is from 11:41 pm to 12:43 am. Sitting in a meditative pose and silently chanting your IshtA DevatA mantra from about 10:30 pm to 1:45 am may give you a channel to strengthen your connection with the DevetA to ask for blessings for yourself and your family, friends and community to help go through the rough planetary terrain forming between late March and late October of 2019.

Aum Sri MAtre NamahA

Please note: I follow Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology propounded by the Late Professor V.K. Choudhry ( In this article, I have used chart for USA developed using Systems Approach to Mundane Vedic Astrology (see ). I also follow the work done by Cosmologer, who discovered the SAMVA USA chart in 2006 with the help of J.T.W. Battalana. He developed the chart based on extensive historical research and predictions for over a decade based on the Systems’ Approach and with guidance from the late Professor Choudhry (see )

60 Years of Indian Political History to May 2019 General Elections: A Vedic Astrology Perspective

Devi Kalaratri source Wikipedia 180808

The Destroyer of Ignorance and Confusion – Aum Namo KAlarAtreya NamAhA (Source: Wikipedia, Devi Kalratri, Sanghasri, Kalighat, Kolkata, 2010)

By Jayant Kalawar

The state assembly elections in India in November – December 2018 returned an anti-incumbency verdict, with BJP losing in Rajashthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh. The question came up whether this anti-incumbency momentum would be repeated in the May 2019 General Election.

So I took up my lens from Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology (SAMVA)[i] and began investigating using India’s Independence Chart (using 7:43 deg Taurus rising chart for 12 am August 15th 1947, Delhi).

I noticed that the current cycle of elections were occurring in the Jupiter Bhukti period (August 15th 2018 – December 15th 2019), which was preceded by Rahu Bhukti period (Feb 13th 2017 – August 15th 2018). So I set out investigating whether during similar Rahu Bhukti – Jupiter Bhukti periods there were anti-incumbent waves. Here are my notes from my investigation of the political events in India corresponding to five data points of Rahu Bhukti – Jupiter Bhukti periods since 1960:

  1. 1960-1965: India-China Border dispute escalated after India gives Dalai Lama asylum and India began its forward policy of having army posts along the Chinese border. In 1963 the Congress lost popularity following the defeat in the Indo-Chinese war of 1962.To revitalize the party, Kamraj proposed the Kamaraj Plan to Nehru that encouraged six Congress chief ministers (including himself) and six senior cabinet ministers to resign to take up party work.
  2. 1975-1980: Emergency Rule by Indira Gandhi and a highly unpopular family planning initiative by Sanjay Gandhi from June 25th 1975 to March 21st 1977. In the General Elections that followed, Congress Party and Indira Gandhi defeated, including losing her own seat.
  3. 1985- 1987: Congress Party with Rajiv Gandhi had a super majority of 411 out of 542 seats in Lok Sabha from the 1984 December general election. He proceeded to dilute the Shah Bano verdict by the Supreme Court of India giving Muslim women rights in divorce proceedings. This led to accusation of minority appeasement. In July 1987 Rajiv Gandhi’s party lost in assembly elections in Haryana in a humiliating manner, which came as a shock.
  4. 1996-2002: This period saw BJP coming to power at the Center for the first time, with A.B. Vajpayee as Prime Minister, winning enough seats in the 1999 General Election to rule through coalitions, which were unstable and caused uncertainty. Subsequently in mid-May 2001 BJP lost in 5 key state elections.
  5. 2010-2012: 2G Spectrum scandal and many other scandals became a central issue against the UPA government. In the March 2012 state elections Congress lost in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Goa.

Pattern Observed with the 5 data points above: Actions by a ruling party in a Rahu Bhukti period leads to anti-incumbency wave in the immediately following Jupiter Bhukti period.

Prediction for May 2019 General Election based on Observed Pattern:

The current ruling party (BJP) implemented two programs during the Rahu Bhukti period of February 13th 2017 to August 15th 2018: Demonetisation and GST. These may have impacted the masses in a negative way, generating an anti-incumbency wave. The effect of this wave may be expected in the subsequent Jupiter Bhukti period of August 15th 2018 to December 15th 2019. The initial impact of the current anti-incumbency wave is already seen in the losses in the state elections in November-December 2018. It is likely that the anti-incumbency wave will continue resulting in BJP losing its majority position in the Lok Sabha elections in May 2019. There is likely to be instability at the Center up to December 2019, perhaps due to coalition politics.

For those more adept in Vedic Astrology and interested in Indian political history of the last 60 years, I provide details below of my findings and analysis of 60 years of Indian political history, focused on specific Rahu-Jupiter Bhukti periods.


I begin with the first Rahu+Jupiter Bhukti period in the India Independence Chart in April 1960.


10th L Saturn Major Period Establishing Foundations for the Masses Ends in Loss of Standing in conflict with Neighbors (natal Saturn in 3rd, directly afflicted by 6th L Venus)

Rahu Sub-period 4/26/1960 – 3/3/1963 India-China Border dispute begins to escalate after India gives Dalai Lama asylum and begins forward policy of having army posts along the Chinese border.

The Sino-Indian War (Hindi: भारत-चीन युद्ध Bhārat-Chīn Yuddh), also known as the Sino-Indian Border Conflict (simplified Chinese: 中印边境战争; traditional Chinese: 中印邊境戰爭; pinyin: Zhōng-Yìn Biānjìng Zhànzhēng), was a war between China and India that occurred in 1962. A disputed Himalayan border was the main pretext for war, but other issues played a role. There had been a series of violent border incidents after the 1959 Tibetan uprising, when India had granted asylum to the Dalai Lama. India initiated a Forward Policy in which it placed outposts along the border, including several north of the McMahon Line, the eastern portion of the Line of Actual Control proclaimed by Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1959.

Unable to reach political accommodation on disputed territory along the 3,225-kilometre-long Himalayan border,[11] the Chinese launched simultaneous offensives in Ladakh and across the McMahon Line on 20 October 1962, coinciding with the Cuban Missile Crisis. Chinese troops advanced over Indian forces in both theatres, capturing Rezang La in Chushul in the western theatre, as well as Tawang in the eastern theatre. The war ended when China declared a ceasefire on 20 November 1962, and simultaneously announced its withdrawal to its claimed ‘line of actual control’.


Jupiter Sub: 3.3.63 – 9/14/65: Nehru era of establishing Indian Constitution (1950) and Indian States (1956) ends with Nehru’s death May 20th 1964. Indian National Congress begins to split into factions.

In 1964, Nehru died because of an aortic dissection, raising questions about the party’s future.[63][64][65]

  1. Kamaraj became the president of the All India Congress Committee in 1963 during the last year of Nehru’s life.[66] Prior to that, he had been the chief minister of Madras state for nine years.[67] Kamraj had also been a member of “the syndicate”, a group of right wing leaders within Congress. In 1963 the Congress lost popularity following the defeat in the Indo-Chinese war of 1962.To revitalize the party, Kamraj proposed the Kamaraj Plan to Nehru that encouraged six Congress chief ministers (including himself) and six senior cabinet ministers to resign to take up party work.[68][69][70] After Nehru’s death in May 1964, Kamaraj was widely credited as the “kingmaker” in Indian politics for ensuring the victory of Lal Bahadur Shastri over Morarji Desai as the successor of Nehru.[71]


The split in Congress Party under Kamaraj Plan, in this Jupiter sub-period, began the move towards the ascendancy of Indira Gandhi in 1966. The incumbent Congress (Organization) led by Morarji Desai was effectively voted out.

1975-1980 Rahu+Jupiter Bhukti Period

This one occurred in 5th L Mercury Dasha Period Relating To Children Ends in Reaction to Anti-Children Actions (forced sterilizations as means to family planning, also general signification of Mercury, open communication )

Rahu Sub-period 3/13/75 – 9/29/77: Emergency Rule by Indira Gandhi and a highly unpopular family planning initiative by Sanjay Gandhi from June 25th 1975 to March 21st 1977.


How did the Emergency get mixed up with sterilization?

Indira Gandhi’s 20-Point Programme did not say a word about family planning. But Sanjay Gandhi’s Four-Point Programme not only had family planning as the first point but it became the only point which was ruthlessly implemented on a national scale. In Sanjay’s vocabulary, family planning meant only one method – sterilization.

Jupiter Sub-period 9/29/77 – 1/5/1980: Congress Party and Indira Gandhi defeated, including losing her own seat.

The structural factors allowed voters to express their grievances, notably their resentment of the emergency and its authoritarian and repressive policies. One grievance often mentioned was the ‘Nasbandi’ (vasectomy) campaign in rural areas. The middle class also emphasised on the curbing of freedom of speech throughout the country.



1985-1987 Rahu+Jupiter Bhukti Period

This occurred during Ketu Dasha Period of Loss and Transformation: Loss of Congress Party standing as the only National Party, Emergence of BJP claiming to represent traditional religious and spiritual interests

Rahu Sub-period 8/14/85 – 9/2/86: Rajiv Gandhi, with a super majority if 411 out of 542 seats in Lok Sabha from the 1984 December general election, proceeded to dilute the Shah Bano verdict by the Supreme Court of India giving Muslim women rights in divorce proceedings. This led to accusation of minority appeasement. Many say this was the turning point for beginning of rise of BJP as a National political party.


Jupiter Sub-period 9/2/86 – 8/9/87: In July 1987 Rajiv Gandhi’s party lost in assembly elections in Haryana in a humiliating manner, which came as a shock.

Haryana elections: Congress(I) humiliated, Devi Lal’s Lok Dal(B) wins

This simple act symbolised not only the ideological change that had swept Haryana, but also the dramatic reversal in the fortunes of the Congress(I) which, like its leaders’ photographs, had been dumped unceremoniously, by the voters of the northern state. It was the hardest knock yet for Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, weakened as he is by scandals of kickbacks from defence deals.


1996-2002 Rahu+Jupiter Bhukti Period

This occurred during 6th L Venus Dasha Period Time of Conflicts, Disputes and hence Instability with Multiple Coalition Governments

Rahu Sub-period 11/13/96 – 11/14/1999: Congress was in power through a coalition government. It attempted to control the government by withdrawing support for one Prime Minister (Deve Gowda) and having another (I.K. Gujral) in his place. Led to unstable governance and a mid-term general election was called in December 1997.


New Lok Sabha elected in 1998 makes for a first time BJP led coalition led by A.B. Vajpayee. It is also unstable and lasts only 13 months. Another General Election is called for on April 26th 1999.


General Election of September 1999 led to another BJP led coalition with A.B. Vajpayee as its PM, forming government.


Jupiter Sub-period 11/14/99 – 7/15/2002: Mid-May 2001 BJP loses in 5 key state elections.

2010-2012 Rahu+Bhukti Period

This occurred during 4th L Sun Dasha Period of Domestic Telecommunication Innovation Projects (natal Sun in 3rd, well placed, old in degrees) with Progress Marred by Scams

Rahu Sub: 11/8/2010 – 10/3/2011: 2G Spectrum scandal and many other scandals became a central issue against the UPA government.

According to some analysts,[8] many corruption scandals including the 2G spectrum case, the coal mining scam, Adarsh Housing Society scam and the Commonwealth Games scam were major factors behind the Indian National Congress-led UPA government’s massive defeat in the 2014 Lok Sabha election. The severity of the corruption charges led to a loss of trust between Congress and the party.[9][10] Time magazine listed the India’s Telecoms Scandal as one of the Top 10 abuses of power.[11]

Jupiter Sub-period: 10/3/2011 – 7/21/2012: March 2012 elections Congress loses in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Goa.


2017-2019 Rahu+Jupiter Bhukti Period

This is currently (at time of writing) occurring in the 3rd L Moon Dasha Period of New Reform Initiatives (natal Moon well placed, weak in infancy) Badly Implemented

Rahu Sub-period 2/13/2017-8/15/2018: Demonetisation, though it was introduced in November, prior to February 2017, may have played a role in people in the non-organized sectors (some say there are up to 80% of the population) who operate in a cash economy, both in rural and urban India, in disenchanting and distancing them from the incumbent Government. If this aspect of how people who live day to day operating in cash economy is true, then their reaction may be  similar to the 1977 reaction of people to forced sterilization.

Also, the GST implementation (July 2017) may have impacted small business and traders due to complexity of formulae as well as tardiness of implementation (source: )

Jupiter Sub-period 8/15/2018 – 12/15/2019: Incumbent BJP lost in 3 major state elections (Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh) in November – December 2018. At the time of this writing, the trend appears to be that BJP may be in a weaker position coming out of the 2019 May General Elections.

Based on the analysis in this post, one may come up with an actionable finding for the ruling party, such as:

How to make up for the pain that voters may see as having come directly from the Government due to demonetization and GST implementation? That is question that may be keeping leaders and strategists for the incumbent government awake now (if not, perhaps that is what they may want to focus on and worry about?). If they can crack that question, the incumbents may still have a chance in the upcoming general election in May 2019?

[i] I follow the Systems Approach to Mundane Vedic Astrology as propounded by the Late Professor V.K. Choudhry. See



September 2018: The Calm before the Storm?

Devi Kalaratri source Wikipedia 180808

The Destroyer of Ignorance and Confusion – Aum Namo KAlarAtreya NamAhA (Source: Wikipedia, Devi Kalratri, Sanghasri, Kalighat, Kolkata, 2010)

Summary: the level of intensity of the putative physical and economic storms in 2019, with felt impacts into early 2020, is likely to be signaled in political events and directions in the USA in the first half of November 2018 and then in January 2019.

The storms of 2019 may impact up to 10 to 15% of people across the globe in some mix of physical and economic outcomes in a very low to high range. There are no cookie cutter solutions to identify who is more likely to be impacted and how much and what to do about it. Assessment of individual horoscopes can help in this regard. Those who do consistent sAdhanA and connect with the Devi are likely to have less impact.


The grahAs will be showering their blessings upon us this September.

Venus will be transiting into its home base Libra on September 2nd and staying there until end of the year. Venus will promote a sense of material well-being and harmony, after a month being farthest away from Earth, hence weak.

Mercury will end its long sojourn of the last few months in Cancer and transit into Leo on September 2nd and then into its home base of Virgo on September 19th. Mercury then joins Venus on October 6th and moves into Scorpio on October 27th. Mercury may not cause much volatility between now and October 27th (except a brief few days September 22nd to 25th, when it comes under passing influence of Rahu-Ketu field), and thus helping better communications and analysis, further adding to the harmony component of Venus.

Mars is strong and exalted in Capricorn between now and November 5th, providing a positive energy to those who are adept at channeling its energies constructively by connecting with Devi DurgA. There is an exception period when Mars energy may be quite disturbed (not as intense as the June-July / Early August time frame) as it once again crosses the much weakened Rahu-Ketu field, between September 19th and 30th. Disturbed Mars energy shows up as natural disasters on Earth, including wild fires and volcanic eruptions, military and police action and generally aggressive interactions and thoughts at personal level. But overall Mars will still provide positive energies especially to Devi sadhakAs.

Sun is in its home base of Leo until mid-September and then in Virgo until mid-October. Sun will bless those of us who seek to remember their IshTa DevatAs and chant the GAyatri mantrA.

Jupiter will be generally strong in Libra between now and October 11th.  In turn it supports Saturn to be strong in Sagittarius during this time.

Rahu-Ketu axis is moving between now and December 5th. Its negative influence is weak at this time.

So you see the overall picture emerging: a mostly positive environment may be expected between now and October 11th.

So what made me headline this post Calm before the Storm?

Well, I see this to be most positive period before storm clouds begin to signal themselves, and the storm momentum builds up. Watch out for the signals during the following periods in the next year or so and make your own assessments (I may likely keep coming back to this in future posts opening up more details). The way to approach and develop a series of potential scenarios is to apply the intensity of the outcome from one event set as the starting point of amplification of the next time period. So here goes:

Jupiter will go through the influence of a weak Rahu-Ketu field from October 22nd to Nov 14th, with peak dissonance between November 1st and 14th. At the same time Mercury will go through the same field November 1st-2nd. And Mars will be weak as it ends its long transit in Capricorn on November 5th. This may likely cause volatility in political and financial arenas combined with unfocussed energy, especially in the USA. All this points to chances that the November 6th mid-term elections in USA may end up giving a weak result for the current US president.

The Rahu-Ketu field will be strong between December 5th 2018 and March 6th 2019. On January 10th 2019 when the newly elected US Congress convenes the Rahu-Ketu field will be at its peak intensity. The result of the mid-term elections will likely be amplified and may likely begin impacting the ability of the current US president to carry out strong positive leadership actions in 2019.

So by end of January 2019 we may have a sense of how 2019 may likely unfold. Any sense of political weakness in the USA may translate into financial and economic weakness not only in the USA but throughout the globe.

The Rahu-Ketu field will be positioned to have intense impact between May 20th 2019 and August 19th 2019 – this one has particular potential to trigger both natural disasters and war like situations between multiple nations around the globe. This in turn may have negative impact on health and economic situations of large populations.

Fall-out from the May-August 2019 events may likely be felt in physical and economic terms, almost like after-tremors across the world, from November 13th 2019 to February 2nd 2020.

To sum up: the level of intensity of the putative physical and economic storms in 2019, with felt impacts into early 2020, is likely to be signaled in political events and directions in the USA in the first half of November 2018 and then in January 2019.

I may cover topics of how to begin to prepare and position for 2019 in the next few months.

The storms of 2019 may impact up to 10 to 15% of people across the globe in some mix of physical and economic outcomes in a very low to high range. There are no cookie cutter solutions to identify who is more likely to be impacted and how much and what to do about it. Assessment of individual horoscopes can help in this regard. Those who do consistent sAdhanA and connect with the Devi are likely to have less impact.

II Aum MAtre NamAhA II

I practice Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology as propounded by the late Professor V.K. Choudhry and now being carried forward by his son Shri K. Rajesh Chowdhary.

Celebrating the DevA Savitr in Leo August 17th – September 16th

Sri Gayatri MAtA by Raja Ravi Verma Source Wikipedia

ॐ श्री मात्रे नमः Source: Illustration by Raja Ravi Verma as published at


This morning, August 17th, the Sun rose in Leo. Ever auspicious, the Deva Savitr in Leo is even more so. He transits Leo in the period between August 17th and September 16th in the 21st century. The Deva channels Sri Gayatri MAtA’s blessings to us.

This 30 day period in 2018 is likely to be more positive than the same time in the last two years, when the Rahu-Ketu axis was afflicting Leo (and we experienced eclipses September 1st and 16th 2016 and August 21st 2017). This year Leo is clear and the Sun can bless us unhindered. Late last year the Rahu-Ketu axis moved on to Cancer and we experienced eclipses in June-July 2018 – and many of us have just about begun working our way out of some rather stressful situations at personal and social levels.

However (and there is usually a ‘however’), Mercury and Venus may send some mixed signals to quite a few of us during the next two weeks to September 2nd 2018.

Summary: Auspicious Sun in Leo, Volatile Mercury in Cancer, Weak Venus in Virgo. Sun will transit into Leo August 17th 2018 and will be there until September 16th 2018. Sun in Leo is auspicious for all signs in different ways. For example, Leo may show leadership, while Virgo works on inner peace and Gemini starts new initiatives. Capricorn may benefit from partnerships and inheritance, while Pisces may find it easy to win in competitions and get financial benefits. And so on.

However, Mercury, may throw a spanner in the works until September 2nd as it moves slowly out of Cancer. It makes for volatility in communications and analysis, in turn impacting volatility in many areas in our lives, including financial markets.  In this case, the volatility of Mercury is mostly related to Moon transiting from one house to another. Dates to watch for mixed and missed signals: August 17th-21st (Moon transiting from Libra through Scorpio and into Sagittarius), 23rd, 25th/26th, 28th, 30th and September 1st-2nd.

Meanwhile, Venus continues to be weak and distant in Virgo until September 2nd. Luxury items and sales targeted at women have less chance of success and this will be reflected in the financial markets as well.

So September 3rd to 16th may be less volatile, more enjoyable. More on that later.