Responding to Kashmir Terror of February 14th 2019: Vedic Astrology Perspective

Durga MAtA by Photo by Soumik Dey on Unsplash 180807

ॐ श्री मात्रे नमः (Photo by Soumik Dey on Unsplash)

The terrorist attack in Kashmir on February 14th 2019 appears to have led to deep and widespread angst in India.  One of the questions being asked is whether and when India may strike back with a military operation, as a response to the terror attack.

Here is my assessment in that context, based on Systems Approach to Mundane Vedic Astrology[1].

India Independence chart (August 15th 1947 12 am Delhi, India) is going through Jupiter (8th L)  Bhukti currently. Transit Jupiter was at 25:59 on Jan 14th, afflicting within 2 deg with 9th aspect of natal Sun at 27:59 in Cancer, when the terror attack took place. Sun rules 4th house of domestic and communal harmony in the India Indep chart. natal Sun by the 8th L Jupiter gives death like experiences in domestic arena. This affliction will peak on Feb 27th, implying need for more caution for domestic events which may result in death like experiences, whether man made or natural, in the next 10 days. Let us hope no further violent loss of life is experienced.

Tr 6th L Venus transiting 8th H of obstructions and death will directly afflict Tr 10th L Saturn Feb 16th-18th, indicating potential for increased impact on emotional and physical well-being of the  masses of people during those days.

Is there potential of a military response from India to the terrorist attack on February 14th? Tr 12th L in Mars is currently strong as it is transiting in its home base Aries and will be directly aspecting most effective points in 12th, 6th and 7th houses for the next 5 days. This indicates potential for military operations between now (Feb 15th) and Feb 20th. Operations launched within this date range from a distance from home base (12th H) e.g. air or sea borne may be carried out in a distant land (7th H) and have the potential for success in conflict situations (6th H).

Let us see what transpires.


[1] For more information in Systems Approach to Mundane Astrology go to